Validate partner types / Restrict partner functions to specific partner types only

In ChaRM and ITSM we are using several partner functions. These partner functions can hold contact partners (external business partners, e.g. Requester), employees (internal end-users, e.g. Developer) and organizational units resp. groups (of internal organizational model, e.g. Support Team).

We want to validate that for partner functions which should hold a organizational unit only organizational units can be maintained/selected. We also want to ensure that employees are always business partners with a valid SAP user id assigned. A contact partner should always be a business partner with the role „Contact Partner“.

However this validation cannot be done in SAP CRM standard, because SAP CRM standard is not supporting the check „Organizational Unit only“.


Please create your own partner function types using view cluster COMV_PARTNER_PFT (SM34). Note that „0005 Emloyee“ and „0007 Contact Person“ can be used as it is. But „0008 Person Responsible“, „0016 Support Team“ and „0034 Organization Responsible“ needs to be copied in customer namespace 9XXX and corrected. Please ensure following flags:

  • 0005: Not unique at Doc./Item Level, Central Person
  • 0007: Not unique at Doc./Item Level, Contact Person
  • 9008: Unique at Doc./Item Level, Central Person
  • 9016: Not unique at Doc./Item Level, Central Person + Central Person or Org.Unit
  • 9034: Unique at Doc./Item Level, Central Person + Central Person or Org.Unit

Please adjust definition of partner functions in view COMV_PARTNER_FCT (SM30) and exchange partner function type by our (new) types. Note that you are not allowed to do this for SAP standard partner functions.

Please note that it can happen that you have to adjust mapping configuration in view AIC_PARTNER_FCT + CRMV_ORLALL_BTIL as well in case you are changing partner function types. This is specific to ITSM/ChaRM only.

Please note that it can happen that you have to configure business partner relationship assignment or that you have to adjust partner determination based on business partner relationship. (Only needed if you are changing partner function type. If you are in parallel changing business partner relationship. If you are using partner determination based on business partner relationship.)

Depending on you changes, it can also happen that you have to run report CRM_INDEX_REBUILD (if order index fields get changed because of partner function type change).

Please modify function module COM_PARTNER_CHECK_MASTER_DATA:

  • Check for Central Person: Perform check only if check for „Central Person“ is activated and check for „Central Person or Org.Unit“ is deactivated.
  • Check for Central Person or Org.Unit: Perform check only if check for „Central Person“ is deactivated and check for „Central Person or Org.Unit“ is activated.
  • Check for Org.Unit (new check): Perform check only if check for „Central Person“ is activated and check for „Central Person or Org.Unit“ is activated. Here check for object type „O“ using function module BP_BUPA_GET_HROBJECT.

If you want, you can use SAP CRM Web UI message replacement feature to replace error messages COM_PARTNER-135 and COM_PARTNER-136:

  • Replace “Partner &1 (&2) is neither an employee nor an organizational unit” by “Partner &1 cannot be a &2. Please select a group.”
  • Replace “Partner &1 (&2) is not an emloyee” by “Partner &1 cannot be a &2. Please select a person.”

Remark: You can define and use your own partner function types. The given types were just examples.

Remark: This solution is not able to validate a partner function agains a business partner role „Developer“, „Tester“, „Change Manager“ etc. It is not able to validate against corresponding PFCG roles. Therefore this improvement is just a simple but very helpful improvement.